2024年7月27日 星期六 14:48:10 | [ Login (For Employer) 僱主登入 ] |

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Job Details 職位詳情

Assistant merchandiser/ Production clerk (Jewelry company)
Astra HK Ltd

- Responsible for daily collection functions, including sending invoices/reminders and calling suppliers to follow up about parcels
- Quality control (in Office or in Supplier's place)
- Work close with purchase department to promote or update the products
- Perform routine accounting functions such as data entry and invoice checking
- Assist in ad-hoc duties as required

- Post graduated level
- Fluent English, Cantonese and Mandarin
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office Applications
- Understanding of diamonds and precious gem stones is optional
- Perform effectively despite sudden deadlines and changing priorities

香港 Hong Kong
2023-02-02 13:12
大學畢業或以上 Degree or above
全職 Full Time

Contact Information 聯絡資料

採購員 Merchandiser
文員/助理 Clerk/Assistant
行政人員 Administration
不限 All / Unspecified
鑽石首飾 Diamond Jewelry
珍珠批發 Loose Pearl Wholesalers
鑽石批發 Diamond Polished Wholesalers
寶石批發 Gemstones Wholesalers
半寶石批發 Semi-Precious Stones Wholesalers
聯絡我們 Contact us 私隱政策聲明 Privacy Policy Statement
香港九龍紅磡民裕街51號凱旋工商中心第二期二字樓G室 Unit G., 2/F, Kaiser Estate Phase 2, 51 Man Yue Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
電話: (852) 2766-3002 傳真: (852) 2362-3647 電子郵件: jobs@jewelry.org.hk